Wednesday 16 May 2012

Review: Emerge Stimulation Drink (500ml, can)

So, at my local newsagent, I noticed they had a brand of energy drink I hadn't tried before, so obviously I had to buy a can so I could try it out. The drink is called Emerge, and a quick Google search shows that, unlike a lot of cheap energy drinks, they've actually got their own website - and that it's actually pretty damn flashy.


In this case, Emerge came in a 500ml silver can with large, somewhat abstract red flames up on the side. Around the top of the can is a yellow band, with black letters proudly proclaiming that it costs a mere 69p.

(As a rule for reviews on this site, I only drink energy drinks out of the packaging they come in, so colour of the drink won't come into it, since I'm tasting it straight out the can.)

Initial taste:

On first sip, Emerge does have that 'tang' that, in my mind, should be the characteristic of all good energy drinks, either on the tongue or in the aftertaste. The 'tang' is there when your tongue first makes contact, less sweet than that you'd get from, say, Red Bull, and it tastes pretty good; but the taste and tang both fade very quickly - within a matter of two or three seconds. You're then left with the aftertaste.


Oh, this aftertaste. Now, I'm aware that for 69p (the website states that the 250ml can is 35p), you can't expect too much, so I was pleasantly surprised with the initial taste. Unfortunately, it doesn't linger, but sends in the aftertaste to attack your tastebuds - and the aftertaste promptly reminds you just how cheap this drink is. The aftertaste is plasticy and artificial. It tastes sweet but in a very fake way, like old, cheap Starburst ripoffs that have been left in the sun too long - or am I the only one who knows what they taste like? Anyway, you are left with this horrible aftertaste - and, unlike the initial taste, the aftertaste hangs around for a long time. A very long time. A far, far, far too long time.


This drink isn't great. The initial taste is OK, and while it doesn't blow you away, it's definitely better than what you'd expect for the price; the aftertaste, however, really drags this drink down. Still, it's considerably cheaper than the more established brands, so if you're looking for energy drink on the cheap, you could probably do worse than buying a can of Emerge - just make sure you buy a can of Coke or something to chase away the aftertaste, too.


Decent initial taste let down by nasty, plasticy aftertaste. OK for the price, but a strictly economical purchase only.

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