Wednesday 16 May 2012

Review: React Energy Drink

So, I was at my local newsagent to stock up on energy drinks, and saw two energy drinks I've not had before. One was Emerge, which I reviewed here, and the other was React Energy Drink. React is a bit pricier than Emerge at 99p for 500ml, and has a slightly higher caffeine content - 31.5mg per 100 ml rather than 30mg.


React came in a 500ml shiny black can with a silver tribal-tattoo-style logo underneath the products' name, written equal tribal-type white font. Below this is the words "energy drink" in red, and under that the can advertises "caffeine" (who'd have guessed it?) and "six vitamins", for those who like their chemical-ridden energy drinks to be 'healthy', I guess. Around the top is a red band, with "99p" in white letters. I suppose they want to advertise their cheaper price in order to try and tempt people away from their usual price, which is fair enough, but the React website shows the can being black from top to bottom, which I think looks much better personally.

Initial taste:

The first thing that you taste is that characteristic energy-drink 'tang' I always look for, which is a good thing, and this 'tang' is sweeter than Emerge's was, and so is more comparable to what you'd expect from a Red Bull. Unfortunately, this initial taste fades very quickly allowing the after taste to come throw - in fact, I'd say it fades even quicker than Emerge did, which is surprising; but the aftertaste quickly shows why it's around a third more expensive than Emerge.


The initial taste might fade disappointingly quickly, but the aftertaste is actually pretty pleasant. When that initial taste fades, you're left with basically a thinner version of the same taste, but without the 'tang'. After a few seconds, however, another aftertaste emerges, this one filling the mouth, as it were. It is sweet and fruity, and while there is the merest hint of artificiality, as you often get with fizzy drinks, it is no way distracting from the taste, which has definite suggestions of apple in the flavour (it took a while for me to work out what fruit flavour it reminded me of, but after a few sips, it definitely evokes apple-flavoured Tango). This vaguely apple-y taste lingers for a long time, and while it does dry out your tongue somewhat, it is nonetheless tasty, if a little sweet for my own preference. If you prefer your drinks sweeter - and it's a more natural-tasting sweetness rather than a pure 'sugar' taste - then you'll enjoy the aftertaste; if you don't like your drinks too sweet, it might not be a favourite of yours, but it certainly won't offend your tongue, no matter what your sensibilities.


React's packaging, all moody black and tribal imagery that seems to try and model on a more minimalist take on the Relentless look, while avoiding any copyright infringement, betray what is actually quite a pleasant and sweet-tasting energy drink. The drink is a little too sweet for my tastes, but I recognise that it's a personal thing, and I'm sure it's a taste that many will enjoy. My only real complaint is that the initial taste fades so quickly, as the 'tang' exists only in that initial taste, and if it lingered at least into the first few seconds of the aftertaste, might serve to cut through the sweetness, and might perhaps help introduce that sweetness more gradually to the palette. Still, for such a cheap price, it's hard to criticise, especially as I know there will be those out there to whom that sweetness will be the drink's biggest advantage.


Too sweet perhaps to be to everyone's liking, and the initial taste disappears far too quickly for me, but that aside, a great energy drink for the price point.

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